

Lad- Noi
Assault- Assalt
Leniency- Indugència
Truce- Treva
Courage- Valentia
Claim the right to...- Reclamar el dret
Quell rebellion- Rebel·lió de valors
Insane- Boig
Negotiate- Negociar
coward- cobard
To betray somebody- Traicionar a algú
To stand up to somebody- Parar a algú
Rage- Rabia
Savage- Salvatge
An oath- Jurament

 Lad- Just a boy.
Assault- To attack somebody.
Leniency- Being not strict.
Truce- This means the oppontents stop fighting.
Courage- being brave.
Claim the right to...- Somebody thinks he is granted something, he should get it.
Quell rebellion- to put an end to a kind of war organised by a group of tormented people.
Insane- alsolutely craz.
Negotiate- to discuss with the others trying to reach a compromise.
coward- A person who is not brave.
To betray somebody- being disloyal.
To stand up to somebody-to show disagreement.
Rage- state of mind, when somebody is furious.
Savage- Usually a person who is not civilised but violent or wild.
An oath-swearing to somebody.

Resultat d'imatges de braveheart
